發(fā)布時間:2023-12-27 09:17:34 人氣:
The centrifuge is mainly used for solid particles and will susnsion liquid separated, In the emulsion or two different from each other, the liquid phase dissolved apart from milk(such as isolated cream), It can also be used to eliminate the liquid, such as wet solid with wet clothes washing machine, Scial seding tubular centrifuges are separable different density of the gas mixture, Use different density and particle size of solid particles in the liquid settling velocity different characteristi, but also on the settlement of centrifuge solid particles by density or selecting.and.A centrifuge used in chemical, roleum, food, pharmaceutical, dressing, coal, water treatment and shipping department.According to the structure and industrial used centrifuge separation requirements, can be divided into filtering centrifuges, centrifuge and centrifuges.A centrifuge around the axis high-sed rotating cylinder itself, called the drum, usually by motor drive. Susnsion(or emulsion) join drum after being driven and drum with sed rotating centrifugal force, and in the separation, and coonents. Usually, drum rotational sed, the higher the better the separation effect.The principle of centrifuge is centrifugal filter and centrifugal sedimentation two kinds. Centrifugal filter is made and produced by centrifugal susnding liquid centrifugal filter medium pressure acting on the liquid through a filter medium, and solid particles as filtrate being trapd in the filter medium surface, so as to realize the liquid-solid separation, Centrifugal sedimentation is using the susnsion emulsion(or) of different density coonents in centrifugal field in the principle, realize the settlement of layered liquid-solid(or liquid-liquid).And those with the exrimental analysis on liquid separator, clarification and solids concentration, or separation of liquid centrifuge, this kind of atmospheric and vacuum freeze-drying, is under the condition of different ty of oration.Measure centrifuge is an iortant index of separation separation factor. It said were separated at drum materials within the centrifugal force of gravity, and the ratio of the separation factor and the rapid separation also usually, separation, the better the results. Industrial centrifuge, the separation factor generally for 100~ 20,000 tubular centrifuges, seding up the separation factor analysis, with sed centrifuge 62,000 610000 topd the separation factor. The decision centrifuge, another factor is the work of a drum, large area processing capacity.Filtering centrifuges and sedimentation centrifuge, rely mainly on increasing drum drum diameter to expand the circle on the face, Except a drum machine, and additional circle wall face, such as the disk of the disc separator and room ty of machine, a significant increase in the mining subsidence.In addition, the susnsion of solid particles in the rules, the more difficult the filtrate or separation of the separation of fine particles increases, in this case, centrifuge needs to have higher separation factor can effectively separated, In the susnsion liquid viscosity, separation slowed, Susnsion emulsion or coonents of the density difference, centrifugal sedimentation centrifuge, and susnsion is not required coonents have density difference.Choose centrifuge should according to susnsion(or emulsion) of solid particles size and concentration, solid and liquid(or two liquids), liquid viscosity, density phosphate-contained residue(or sediment), and the characteristi of separation requirements analysis, etc. To meet cake(sediment) moisture content and filtrate(liquid) clarify degrees of separation, preliminary selection using which kind of centrifuge. Then according to the oration capacity and automation, determine the ty and scifications, centrifuge last practical test.Usually, containing more than 0.01mm particles size of susnsion, can choose filtering centrifuges, For susnding liquid in tiny particles or coression, aopriate chooses settlement centrifuge, For susnding liquid containing solid particles is low, the tiny and liquid require high degree of clarification, should choose separator.Centrifuge, the development trend of the future will be strengthened, the development of large-scale separation, iroving slag discharge centrifuge, scial and combination institution, strengthening separation drum centrifuge and theoretical research studies centrifugal separation process optimization control technology, etc.Strengthening separation prorties including drum rotational sed, In the process of centrifugal separation to add new imus, Accelerating push slag sed, Increasing length of drum to extend the time of centrifugal separation etc. Development of large centrifuge, mainly is the drum drum diameter and by iroving processing capacity of unit volume of material that processing equipment investment, energy consution and reduce maintenance costs. The asct of theory, the main research within the drum flow condition and cake formation mechanism, research and processing capacity of minimum separation of calculation methods.